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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:43 am
by captainbutch
FRIDAY 9-2-05: Capt. Chris and I met up with Niles Elber, Richard Pellack, and Mike Fuller for a day of fishing, and a day of fishing it was. I'll go ahead and get started; Niles invited a 500+ pound Shark to a photo shoot. This was a hand full to get into the boat, but, It took all five of us to get it back into the water . Congratulations Niles, that was an awesome fish!!!! While we were grouper fishing, a Mahi-Mahi swam by the boat, Capt. Chris,(who was our mate today) grabbed a king rod and deployed a live bait in his direction, it wasn't long till he had to check it out, well he checked a little too close, Richard Pellack is pictured holding his Mahi-Mahi. Since we were anchored grouper fishing, the duo made several laps around the boat, but this time the fisherman came out victorious, another fine catch and some good steaks for the grill!!! Well, not to be out done, Mike Fuller is picture holding a not too common catch of his own, he pulled from the deep a Hog Snapper, another fine catch and great on the table as well!!!! Niles is also pictured with a Scamp Grouper, one of several grouper we caught that day . Also we caught some of the biggest grey snapper and B-Liners I have seen in a while. Included in todays catch were a few trigger fish and black bass. As always, we really enjoy it when Niles,Rich, and Mike can make it down to Southport. Over the years they have come to be some good friends, IT WAS A PLEASURE TO SEE Y'ALL AGAIN. Till next time, FISH ON!!!! Capt. Butch Foster, Capt. Chris Foster, and Bodie (the fish dog ) says HI. YEAH RIGHT SPORTFISHING CHARTERS, Southport, NC (910)845-2004.