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Tenkara for Tukes

PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:57 pm
by Stan Wright
I went by the lake today to see how the
little bass were doing... the ones the hatchery
were stocking in the lake last Sunday.

I found them hiding in the grass along the shore.
They seemed in good shape, nice and healthy.
I don't think this one was really pleased to have
his picture taken. Or it might have been that he "felt the steel",
and missed a meal.

The little peacock bass were also out in good numbers...

Saw lots of BIG peacock bass... the 3 to 5 pound size...
but I was using 4# test and knew there was no way
to land those big'uns on my little Tenkara rod.
While I was landing this little guy a huge peacock bass tried to eat it.


I spoke with some fishermen who did land
some 3 and 4 pounders... using live bait.