Redfishing in venice Louisiana
Capt. Shawn Lanier
July 18, 2016
Venice - Saltwater Fishing Report

Venice Louisiana Fishing report.
July 18, 2016.
The big Redfish fishing has really picked up this last week here around the Venice area. For the last seven days we have been boating 30 to 50 Redfish weighing 15 to 33 pounds. We have had stable weather and the Sharks have quit harassing us so much, although we did lose some big Reds to the Sharks. I am really glad things are getting back to normal as far as the Redfish bite. I think the Mississippi River stage dropped after being high for so long and the Bull Redfish came in from the deep. Most of the time it does not matter how high the river is, but this year it was higher for way longer so the Reds moved out.
Everyone has enjoyed staying at the lodge and said the food was great. When the fish bite good everything seems to work out, so the fish need to be happy and keep biting good. Unless we get some really nasty weather we should be able to stay on top of the fish, so come on down and get in on the action.
Target Species:

bullred, redfish, red drum
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