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PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:39 am
by captainbutch
THURSDAY 7- 29-05: Before I get to todays fishing report I would like to thank all of you who have e-mailed and called me to make sure I was OK since I hadn't up dated my reports in about a week. That means a lot to me to know that I have such a close following on my reports and web site. Again, THANK
YOU, for without all of you, all this would be useless!!!!! Today we left South Harbour Marina with Mark Sunyak, Betty Sunyak, Jacob Sunyak, Rachel Sunyak, Liz Patterson, and Hillary Balsega. This was their first ever trip on the ocean fishing. It was an honor that they picked my charter boat for their trip!!!! We went to a wreck today and it was awesome. We were hooking jacks that were breaking 100 lb. test leader. We had barracudas hitting our baits and jumping 20 feet in the air. We had one hit and jumped so high that when it landed it threw water on everybody in the boat. This 'cuda took Betty Sunyak nearly an hour to land on king tackle. But she got him in and she was able to get a NC Saltwater Citation for this fish to hang on her wall back in PA. You should have seen the show we saw when the king mackeral we had on was attacked by the barracudas and the big jacks moved in and took the pieces away from the 'cudas, it was amazing to see. Later, we did get a king mackeral to the boat before the 'cudas got it!! Also, feeding along with the jacks and 'cudas were some rays, these were black on top and white on the bottom, feeding on the bait that was holding the other fish. These dudes were probably in the 100 lb. range. Just another awesome day on the water with an awesome group of fishermen and fisherwomen. THANK YOU for fishing with us. Till next time, FISH ON!!! Capt. Butch Foster, Capt. Chris Foster,and (until it cools off some )Bodie "the fish dog" says HI!!! Check out pic's on my site. YEAH RIGHT SPORTFISHING CHARTERS, SOUTHPORT,NC. (910)845-2004.

click on pic to enlarge

WEDNESDAY 7-27-05: Today we picked up Steve Brown, Jason Brown, Jay Boyles, Tommy Mcleod, Chasity Russel, and Jodi Hatley at South Harbour Marina for a day of bottom fishing. We stopped on a offshore wreck to jig up some live cigar minnows and we put out a light line while there getting bait and it didn't take long for a 'cuda to jump all over it. It put up a good fight with a lot or acrobatic jumps and runs. Put out another line and this time Jason was greeted with an amoco jack. Ask him how those fish fight!!!! From there we proceded to the bottom grounds in hopes of finding some willing bottom fish. It was an eventful day with a lot of willing fish ready to make the ride back to the marina with us. Jason even caught a larger jack while we were grouper fishing!!! As you can see, we had a good catch of a variety of fish. Good people and good times, throw in a few fish as an added bonus, what more could you ask for in a day on the high seas fishing!!!! It was fun guys, Till next time, FISH ON!!!! Capt. Butch Foster, Capt. Chris Foster, Bodie "the fish dog", says HI!!!. Check out pic's on my site. YEAH RIGHT SPORTFISHING CHARTERS, Southport, NC. (910)845-2004.