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Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackwater

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Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackwater

Postby bwlodge » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:04 am

2009 Season Report for Ireland’s Blackwater Lodge Salmon Fishery
The Biggest Fish Ever since 1986?
On September 15th. last, Tony Murtagh from Co. Dublin landed & released a fish estimated at approx. 25lb. weight.
This huge fish was taken on spinner on the Island Stream on Beat 6 - Lower Kilmurry.
The fish was rather coloured but fin perfect and very well conditioned – being very deep bodied & broad-backed.
It was quickly released without even a picture being taken as they had no camera & no weigh net!
It measured 96cm (38\") long with an estimated girth of 50cm (20\").

Some of our recently caught fish were measured for comparison:
A 13.5 pounder measured 81cm, a 15 pounder was 85cm & a 19.1 pounder measured 89cm.
The gillie that released this fish said that he could only just get his thumb & forefinger of both hands
around the wrist of the tail, which was definitely much thicker than the 19 pounder.

Heaviest Weighed Fish of 2009
On September 18 last, Paul Rosier caught the Heaviest Weighed-In fish of the season
on prawn at Gorman’s Pool on Kents – Beat No. 4. It weighed 19.1lb & was absolutely tide-fresh.
The same day, they saw literally hundreds of fish on the beat, including at least a dozen
which they reckoned were the same size as the one he caught – it was the only take of the day!

Heaviest First Ever Salmon of 2009
On September 8th., Belgian anglers Guillaume Verlings (l) & Jean-Paul Hendricks (r) both caught their First Ever Salmon!
They were both taken on spinner on the Castle Flat on Beat 3 - Ballinaroone & weighed 16.6 & 9.8lb.
Both fish were sea-liced! Guillaumes\' was the Heaviest First Salmon of 2009!

In 2009, there was much talk about drastically reduced numbers of salmon running into many rivers.
Here on the Blackwater, whilst the spring run wasn’t so good, from May on we saw good numbers of fish running.
May in fact produced the best number of fish caught (53) since 1996 and was in fact the third best ever total for the month
since I started accurate records in 1986. It was only beaten by 1994 (82) & 1996 (72).

Whilst it was certainly not a year when the number of salmon caught for the whole season was outstanding,
there were a couple of factors which help explain the lower catch figures for the backend & consequently the total season catch.

This was in part due to less rods fishing ( a consequence of the recession)
which is a major factor which is often not taken into consideration when looking at catch statistics.
The other startling factor in 2009 was the behaviour of the fish themselves.
Whilst there were large numbers of salmon in the river, especially in August & more particularly in September,
they displayed a startling reluctance to take any offering.
This was a phenomenon which was observed throughout Ireland this last season.

The table below shows the catches since I took over the Lodge in 1986.
Blackwater Lodge Fishery - Salmon Catch Statistics.

Catch & Release
As an aside – 43% of the fish caught in 2009 on the Lodge Fishery were released.
This is well above the national average of 38% in 2008 as recently published in the
Central Fisheries Board Wild Salmon & Seatrout Statistics report
for 2008. Our guests released 52% in 2008.

This report also states that 12.9% of all fish caught & released in Ireland in 2008 were on the Blackwater
– the highest in the country for rivers which were not designated as C&R only.

Graph 1: Catch per Rod Day
A far better judge of the quality of the fishing is to look at the average catch per rod day
rather than mere number of fish caught, which of course depends on fishing effort.
This table above shows these figures for the last 3 years on the Lodge Fishery,
which corresponds to the period since the drift nets were banned.

It is interesting to note that in fact August is the best backend month,
which wouldn’t be apparent from the catch statistics for the number of fish caught by month alone.
In August, there are actually far less people fishing on the Lodge beats compared to September.

Graph 2: Dramatic increase in larger fish.
The Blackwater has always been better known for its prolific runs rather than the size of the fish.
I must admit to having had the impression myself in the first 2 years without drift nets (2006 & 2007)
that there was an increase in the size of fish coming into the river,
but accurate analysis of the weight of fish caught doesn’t actually bear this out.

This graph illustrates the percentage (of the total catch each year) of fish caught by weight class.
Please note that for this purpose - for example - 8lb. represents fish between 8-8.9lb, 9lb represents fish of 9-9.9lb etc.

For simplicity, I have only included the figures for fish in the 8-14lb class which is where the biggest difference can be seen.

Fish in this class accounted for 33% of the 2009 catch compared to only about 18% for the period 2004-2008.

The graph gives data as follows:
- The average percentage for the years 2004-2006 i.e. the last 3 years when drift nets operated.
- The average percentage for the years 2007-2008 i.e. the first 2 years without drift nets.
- the figures for the 2009 season.

We can conclude from this that there was actually very little difference in the size of fish caught in the 8-14lb class
for the 3 years before & the 2 years after the drift net ban.

Graph 3: Percentage Increase by Weight Class in 2009 compared to the 5 Year Average
There is however a dramatic difference in 2009.
The true difference is perhaps not adequately illustrated in the above Graph 2.
To better show the real increase, Graph 3 above shows the percentage increase
in each weight class by pound compared to the average figure for the period 2004-2008.

From this we can conclude that - relative to the 5 Year Average (2004-8):

- The proportion of fish caught in the 8-10lb. class increased by ~50%
- The proportion of fish caught in the 11-13lb. class increased by ~150-200%
- The proportion of fish caught in the 14lb. class increased by ~400%

Looking Forward to 2010
It will be very interesting to see what will happen next season.
In the early ‘90s we carried out our own scale-reading study of fish caught on the Lodge fishery.

Grilse: We concluded that grilse were almost exclusively 1/1 i.e. spent one year in the river & 1 winter at sea.
Therefore we can expect to see the return of a lot more grilse in 2010 – the progeny of the 2007 run – the first season without drift nets.

Larger multi-sea-winter fish: These were 2/2 to 2/4. We would expect the first of these to return in 2012, but it will be very interesting to see
if the increase in 8-14lb. class fish will be sustained next year.

Prospects for a great season’s sport for anglers for whom size really does matter!
For info visit: http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackwater

Postby bwlodge » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:04 am

Free Fishing again next week on the Blackwater Lodge beats
Blackwater Lodge beat 7 – Upper Kilmurry on Wednesday, February 17.

The Lodge will once again offer free fishing from Monday Feb. 22 to Friday, Feb. 26 inclusive.

This graph should update itself each time you log in until the end of February.
The river is in superb fly order. We’re still waiting for our first springer to be caught, but are seeing some fresh fish running through every day.

If you missed The Nationwide programme on Friday, February 19 - which was entirely dedicated to fishing - you can access this on the Internet for 21 days after broadcast on http://www.rte.ie/player/.

Took a few pics at Swords Show last weekend & put them up on Youtube.
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The First Springer is Caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats.

Postby bwlodge » Mon Mar 08, 2010 1:45 pm

The First Springer is Caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats
Lodge regular Gavin Wishart from Newcastle, Co. Down came down to celebrate his 40th. birthday
this weekend & scooped the First Salmon of the 2010 season to be caught on the Lodge Fishery.

He was fishing yesterday (March 6th) with Connie Corcoran on Ballinlovane and took the fish on Flying C at Cloonbeg.
The fish would have been released, but was bleeding from the gills so had to be kept.
The cast before he lost what they both believe was another springer, so there were definitely a few about.
It was hardly surprising that it took us until now to catch a fish as there were only 64 rod days
for the whole month of February. There would certainly be more springers caught if there were
more rods out on the river each day.

There are more fresh fish being seen in the river in the last few days.
The river is in absolutely cracking order at the moment - even for the fly.
0.44m on the gauge so perfect fly height & clarity a good 4 feet.
The weather forecast (Metcheck) looks dry for the next 2 weeks apart from about 6mm on the 15th.
Daily Updated Fishing Report: http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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The Second Springer is Caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats

Postby bwlodge » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:22 pm

The Second Springer is Caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats
Bass fishing guide Michael McCormack from Wexford with the second fish of the season from the Lodge beats. It was sea-liced & weighed in at 10.2lb.
It was taken on Silver Bullet on the Green Bank on Upper Kilmurry.
Michael saw 3 or 4 more fresh fish as well during the day.
He was the only rod out on the river today - one springer for one rod day cain't be bad!
For the latest info: Fishing report page http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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Third Springer is caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats

Postby bwlodge » Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:23 pm

Third Springer is caught on the Blackwater Lodge beats
The third springer of the season was taken on Sunday, March 14 by Larry Sheridan (Dungarvan) who gillies for the Lodge.
He released the fish which weighed about 12lb & was taken on black Flying C at the top of the Island Stream on Kents.
It didn't have sea-lice but very fresh. He saw a couple more springers there as well.
Unfortunately no picture as he doesn't carry a camera with him.
The river is now at summer level - 0.36m on the Ballyduff gauge. Perfect fly order.
Lots of kelts being caught on flies as small as size 8.
For the latest info: Fishing report page http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Sun Apr 11, 2010 11:42 am

Here's the current water level on the Cork Blackwater at Ballyduff.
Source: [url="http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm"]Blackwater Lodge Fishing Report page[/url]
The river is falling slowly but steadily. The clarity has improved dramatically & is now about 5 feet on the lower river.
It's still a bit too high to fish the fly comfortably.
The 5th. springer of the season on the Lodge beats was caught on spinner on Beat 5 - Inchinleama last Sunday (April 4th.) before the last flood hit the river.
One kelt was caught today - surprising that there are still some present in the river this late in the season.
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:25 pm

Fishing the Fly at Last!

With such a beautiful balmy evening this evening, four of us decided venture out to the river about 6.00pm this evening.
We opted to go to Upper & Lower Kilmurry, the best of the Lodge's seven beats below Careysville
with the gauge height having dropped to 0.80m.
Glenda & I headed for Lower, and the picture above is her at the Lug Pool at 7.15pm.
She was able to wade & fly-fish the whole way down the pool even at this height.

I headed down below to the Island Stream. This was about 10cm too high to be able to wade,
though could be fished from the (rather high) bank with a shooting head.
The picture above was taken looking downstream at the Island Stream at 7.45pm

and this picture was taken looking up the Island Stream to the Lug Pool on the bend in the distance.

We didn't see or touch any fish on Lower Kilmurry, but when we went back up to Upper Kilmurry,
the other two had seen three large fresh fish moving through the Sand Gap & the Hut Pool and Daniel
(a student on work experience at the Lodge from the Swedish Sport Fishing Academy)
had briefly hooked one of them just after it showed.

The clarity is about 5 feet & the level is falling steadily, so the prospects for the coming week look good.

For the latest information, see our daily updated Fishing Report page: : http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Mon Jun 14, 2010 8:40 am

Flood moves fish from tidal water!
This is the water level situation at Ballyduff in the last few days.
The small flood on Tuesday put the river out of order for a couple of days as it became very coloured.
By Friday it was improving and 3 fish were lost on the Lodge beats.
On Saturday June 12), four fish were caught - 3 on spinner & one on fly.
The best (~12lb) was caught & released by Ray Burns on Upper Kilmurry on spinner.
On Sunday, June 13, there were 3 grilse taken on the fly. Clarity is now a good 3 feet.
Seven fish in total for 14 rod days in the last two days.
There has been a significant increase in the number of fish moving through the lower beats since the flood.
I'm also hearing about some grilse & salmon being caught up in the Mallow area.
For the latest info: Fishing report page http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Wed Aug 04, 2010 9:21 am

The Best Ever July Catch
in terms of Fish Caught per Rod Day

On Sunday, July 25th., Mossy McElligott (Tralee) caught the Best Fish of the Season
with a 12.4lb on fly on Ballinaroone & his fishing partner Tim Quinlivan also had two on fly of 11.9 & 9.1lb.
Tim's largest was also the second heaviest weighed fish this year.

The month of July produced 169 salmon for a total of only 183 rod days.
This is the sixth best total for the month since I took over the Lodge at the beginning of 1986.
It is the best catch for the month since the year 2000, when 263 were caught for 750 rod days.
It also includes the two Best Fish of the Season which were both caught on fly on the same day
on Beat 3 - Ballinaroone by Mossy McElligott (12.4lb) & Tim Quinlivan (11.9lb).
There have also been at least four very large fish lost in the second half of the month.

The table below shows the figures for the six best months of July.
Only the all-time record year of 1992 (when 1511 fish were taken) has a comparable catch per rod day!


Total catch for the season to date is 219.

Take me home, Mum! Our seven year old son Ian heads away
after an afternoon on the river with his famous mum Glenda on July 18!

Current Situation
The river is still fining off slowly from the small floods on July 19 & 23.
It is now @ 0.18m on the gauge with ~5 feet clarity.

Once again there is a huge buildup of fresh fish in the tidal reaches & a good number are running into the main river.
Some of the lower beat - in particular Kents & Lower Kilmurry - are hold a good head of fish.

With predominantly dry weather for the coming week, the river remain at summer level.
There are plenty of fish running - both hefty grilse & larger summer salmon.

For all the very latest information please see the Blackwater Lodge Fishing Report page on :
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:09 pm

2010 Salmon Season Report from Blackwater Lodge
Finally, I have completed a report on the 2010 Season on Blackwater Lodge Salmon Fishery. This can be found on:

For more detailed reports by Month please go to:

2010 Season Highlights

...............................Season Total: 652 for 1,342 rod days (0.49 fish/rod day).
....................................July Total: 168 for 183 rod days.
........................................................(The Best July since 2000 when 263 were caught for 750 rod days)
...............Best Day of the Season: September 26 - 26 fish to 16lb.
...............Best Catch for One Rod: Eleven fish on September 21st.
......Number of First Ever Salmon: Thirty-five in total for the season.
Proportion of Fish Caught on Fly: Second Highest Ever for the Total 2011 Season.
........................................................Highest Ever for the months of May & June.
........................................................Second Highest for the month of September.
........................................................Fifth Highest for August.
........................................................Eighth Highest for July.

The Draft Proposals for the Wild Salmon & Seatrout Tagging Scheme Regulations for the 2011 Season
were issued on Friday, November 19.

The quota for the Blackwater has been raised to 5,859 from the 2010 quota which was 5,054.

The number of tags for the spring (February 1 to May 11) has not been confirmed yet.
Last year, it was one tag for the Blackwater but this was only announced in a Byelaw issued on December 17, 2009
so we are still waiting to hear if it will be one or three tags.

The Huge Run of Fish continues

I was talking to Fishery Board staff at the excellent Irish Fly Fair in Galway last weekend
& got the latest on the runs of fish into the Blackwater.
There were reports of 7,500 fish that had run into the river in the 8 days from October 27.

Just before the Fair on the weekend of November 13/14, this figure had jumped to over 15,000....................!

This bodes well for our future stocks of salmon.
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Sat Feb 05, 2011 8:44 am

The First Spring Salmon is Landed on February 3rd.!

Derek O'Keeffe, from Thomastown, Kilkenny came to the Lodge for a casting lesson
with Glenda on Thursday afternoon.
After the lesson, Glenda invited him to fish on for the rest of the afternoon on Upper Kilmurry.
He hooked and landed a lovely fresh fish of about 8lb. on a fly he tied himself.
It was a colour variation of the PoshTosh as seen in "Trout and Salmon", February 2010.
The fish was hooked at the head of the Hut Pool on Upper Kilmurry and took about 15 mins
to land, having jumped half a dozen times.
Derek - a firm believer in catch and release - carefully returned the fish alive.
Not wanting to harm the fish in any way, it was quickly released without even taking a photo
as he was fishing on his own - the only rod out on the fishery in fact today.

Current Situation

This was the river below the Lodge today.

This is the gauge height on the upper & lower river for the last five days.

On the 3rd., the river was at a perfect height and clarity for the fly.
On the 4th., the lower river was up approximately half a metre but peaked late evening.
There was very little fishing effort and gales, but a couple of fresh silver fish were seen jumping amongst the kelts.
Certainly spinnable for the 5th. Fly is doubtful.

For all the latest info, see also:
http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/F ... report.htm
or follow us on
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:04 pm

The Second Salmon of the Season is caught on Blackwater Lodge Salmon Fishery
Only 2 rods out on the river yesterday.
Tony O'Keeffe from Mallow was fishing at Kilmurry with his father Dan
and caught this 6.6lb. fish on Flying C on the Island Stream on Lower Kilmurry.
Sea-lice can be seen in the picture - two on the top of the tail and one below the adipose.
There were more on the back & the head of the fish. They also caught a few kelts.

There was a couple of rods out on Friday that also caught a few kelts,
but also saw a fresh springer show that they estimated at 15-20lb. - also on Lower Kilmurry.

The upper river had a slight (5cm) rise yesterday.
Occasional light rain in the upper catchment had been responsible,
and this has meant that the lower river has held it's level at 0.85m.

The level is currently too high for good flyfishing,
needing to be below about 0.6m to be able to wade and fish comfortably.
The weather forecast now looks as if we can expect a dry spell of at least a week.
This should ensure that the level will come down to fly order.
When it will be very interesting to see how the upper beats from Ballyhooly to Mallow will fish.

For all the latest info, see also:
or follow us on
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:20 pm

The Great Spring Fishing continues......!

Despite the fact that there have not been many anglers out fishing and the water has been very low for much of the spring, we have had remarkable success.

February: 5 fish caught in total, all between February 3-14 for only 30 rod days.
Joint Best February total since 2004 & joint Second Best total since 1994.

We took four fish for March for a total of just 43 rod days, which was a remarkable achievement as for most of the month the river was at summer level & we were basking in unseasonally bright sunshine.

April gets off to a Great Start!
Despite extremely low water in the first week of April, four springers were landed in 3 days for only 7 rod days in total.

We have had just one day so far this season when two springers were landed - by two different anglers
- which was February 5th. Yesterday (April 3) was the first day this year where one angler has landed
two fish in one day - and they were both on fly on two consecutive casts!
Kieran Conlon (Cork) managed to get away for only his second day fishing so far this season,
& I sent him to Lower Kilmurry on a cold blustery day with a NW wind & air temps from 7-10ºC.
Just before lunchtime he caught and released a lovely sea-liced fish on a Silver Grey tube fly
right up at the head of the Island Stream in the fast water - no surprise as water temp is now just above 52ºF.
This was his first springer of the 2012 season.
More surprising was the fact that he went back into the water & the very next cast caught
a second sea-liced fish from the very same spot. Both fish were like peas in a pod.
The second fish (above) was weighed in later at the Lodge at 8.3lb.
Kieran saw a number of other fish throughout the day.

John Lalor (Cahir) caught this 6lb sea-liced fish on fly on April 4th. This was his first fish for 2012.

Joe Tynan (Kildare) caught this 8.4lb. very fresh fish on spinner on April 5th. It was his First Ever Salmon!
It didn't have sea-lice but they had only just fallen off it.
It is one of the earliest ever recorded First Fish on the fishery!

The First Grilse of the 2012 Season is Caught!

APGAI_Ireland casting instructor Ken Stewart came down to visit the Lodge today (9th.)
& went out to the river about lunchtime for a cast on the Kilmurry beats.
About 4.00pm Glenda went down to meet him & she arrived at the Hut Pool to see Ken playing a fish.
She hopped out of the jeep, rolled up her trousers (no time to don the waders) & hopped into the water
to net a beautiful sea-liced 4 pound grilse that had taken Ken's tube fly.
This is probably the earliest grilse that has ever been taken on the fishery.

Biggest Fish of the Season so far!!!!!!!

Jim Shanahan from Castletownroche was fishing an upper beat & phoned me to ask if he could switch to another upstream beat.
I suggested he come down as I heard it was quiet above. He arrived on Ballinaroone with his 11 yr old son James & within 15 minutes
James hooked & lost a fish on a Toby. Jim caught the Biggest Fish of the Season a few moments later - 12.4lb on Flying C at the Road Pool.

This lovely sea-liced 7.3lb. fish was caught by Terry O’Keeffe (Midleton, Co. Cork) on Lower Kilmurry yesterday.

The river continues to fine off today & was at 0.25m at 16.00.
Another very fresh fish was caught today on spinner – only our second from the upper river.

The total for the Lodge fishery is now 8 fish for April to date for only 37 rod days.

This is the river below Blackwater Lodge at 16.00 today.

Gauge height 0.25m. Clarity ~4-5 feet

There is more rain coming through the week, with storm conditions for tomorrow (Tuesday).

There's no problem for availability of fishing at present.

If you’d like to be kept up to date with what’s happening, email me on
[email protected]
& I’ll add you to our Newsletter circulation.

Blackwater Lodge: http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net
Daily Salmon Fishing Report: http://www.ireland-salmon-fishing.net/FishingReport/fishingreport.htm
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Wed Mar 27, 2013 7:45 pm

We are having a period of dry weather now which is due continue until well into next week.
Following the big flood on the 22nd., the river is now fining off very well
and will only improve further in the coming days.
The Ballyduff gauge is on 0.70m at 5.00pm today.
Beats on the upper river are now in fly order, and some of the lower beats
should be fly-fishable by tomorrow & all of them should be in fly order by the weekend.
Temperatures are cold with the air struggling to get to 5C during the day & is about 0 to +2C at night.
The water on the lower river is just over 7C & on the upper river it is only about 4.5C
We have high (3.9m) tides for the next couple of days, so hopefully this
- combined with the flood fining off - will encourage more fish to move in.
Prospects are looking very good for the Easter weekend.
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Re: Atlantic Salmon Catch Reports from ireland's Cork Blackw

Postby bwlodge » Fri Dec 12, 2014 2:34 pm

Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery News - December 10, 2014

Prices Unchanged for 2015.
We dropped our prices significantly two years ago to combat the economic climate
and to encourage more anglers to come to the Blackwater.
We are keeping the prices the same for 2015.
Salmon fishing on the renowned Cork Blackwater for between €15 - €80 per day
depending on the season.
Please see our website for details:
Angling for Salmon on Ireland's Cork Blackwater at Blackwater Lodge and Salmon Fishery
and don’t hesitate to contact us if you would like any further information or would like to make a reservation for the coming season.

Winter spawning
There is an excellent stock of spawning fish on the upper Blackwater according to Fisheries officers.
Interestingly, their behaviour this year is unusual in that they are running to the spawning grounds & spawning immediately
which is rather early especially as we have had a mild winter so far. Perhaps they know more about the coming weather than we do!

2015 Fishing Season
There are no changes in the fishing regulations for the coming season,
apart from the fact that the season will revert to closing on September 30th.*
For the last 3 years, the Blackwater benefited from an extension to the salmon season to October 12.
The Minister has decided not to continue this in 2015.
The quota for the river is 5,752 which is the second highest in the country next to the Moy.
For anyone who would like to see the full Draft regulations for the coming season, please go to:*** http://goo.gl/j2JHEL

Opening of the 2015 Season
The season will open as usual on February 1st., 2015

Book Early for 2015!:
It's always advisable to book early to ensure your place - especially for the prime weeks.

Early Payment Discount:
Book and pay in full now & benefit from a 1% per month discount.

2015 Prices:
These are now available on our website:
Angling for Salmon on Ireland's Cork Blackwater at Blackwater Lodge and Salmon Fishery

Christmas Gift Vouchers
Stuck for that last minute present? If you'd like to give or receive a special gift, now is the time to get a Gift Voucher from us -
for anything from fly-casting tuition to fishing, accommodation or tackle.
Very prompt service with vouchers created to order & delivered to you by return by email.


Pre-Season Preparation
As always, Glenda is available for tuition as the new season approaches,
so if you'd like to hone your skills before Opening Day then get in touch with her.

Social Networking:
Facebook - Ian
Facebook - Lodge page
FaceBook - Glenda

For any further information, please contact:
Blackwater Lodge & Salmon Fishery
Upper Ballyduff
County Waterford

Skype: bwlodge Ireland: Phone: 058 60235 Mobile: 087 235 21 20 (Ian) 087 235 12 60 (Glenda)
From UK: Phone: 0844 202 33 33 International: Phone: +353 58 60235
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