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Fishing report Denmark

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Fishing report Denmark

Postby presterno » Sat Jun 28, 2003 4:09 am

My friend said to me the other day “Does your wife mind you fishing all the time?”
“No”, I said, “Why?”
My friend replies, “Geez, my wife complains even if I mention the word fish. How do you manage to keep your wife happy and still fish all hours of the day and night?”
I thought for a minute. “Maybe because I have a bigger rod. Twice as long as a man”.
My friend answers, “That long? Some men are bigger than others.”
“Yep”, I said, “Your wife has been telling you stories about me again!”

21st June, The longest day came with a price. While most of the Danish public gathered to celebrate the longest day known as Sankt Hans around large fires, dark clouds loomed over the horizon and emptied their rainy loads on the entire country. Thunder, lightning, heavy rain and strong winds have yet again set the rivers and coastal areas in a state of suspension. The rivers were flooded and for a few days all rivers running west namely the Kongenå, Varde, Skjernå, Ribeå, became a lovely coffee colour. The coastal areas and fjord inlets witnessed extreme high tides and heavy weed scattered close to shore at some places has made fishing difficult.

:wink: But who cares?

That’s fishing, and who said it would be problem free every time? As we approach July, the sea temperatures increase and no doubt by mid month, fishing during the day will be a sticky affair.
For Sea Trout fishing, the best time is early morning. When I say early morning, I mean around 02:00 to 06:00 when the water temperature is at it’s coolest. However, on some cloudy and windy days, it is possible to fish through the day hours at deep water points where the current feeds the coast with cooler temperatures.
The entire coastal area from Svinø in Gamborg to Torø on the west coast of Fyn has seen good results normally around the sunset and sunrise times. Sea Trout weighing in between 1 and 4kg have been taken on fly with one Steelhead taken at 3.2kg near to Rud on the 17th June.
North coast Fyn has seen no great results, probably due to the weather or lack of angler’s reporting their fishing on these shores. The entrance of Odense Fjord as always has seen nice catches around the 2kg mark.
I personally did some fishing at Wedellsborg south on the 25th and ended up taking 6 Sea Trout the largest being 64cm and 4 Garfish. Not a bad result for 3 hours fishing! One angler took a 67cm Sea Trout as I finished on a size 10 Red Tag.
:!: Lars Østergård took a surface feeding 53cm Sea Trout on a size 12 dry May Fly because he forgot his box of sea flies. So, rather than go home, he used his river collection of dry flies and took 2 trout. Strange but true. :shock:
South-eastern Jutland has seen good results from the entrance to Kolding Fjord down to Halk Hoved. The area just south of Fløvt has suddenly become a hotspot and around sunset Sea Trout are coming in very close to shore to feed, probably due to the exceptional high water.
As sea temperatures dwindle around 15oC, catches are still plentiful, but although no great sizes are being taken, fish up to 55cm are common. Garfish are still far and few between and chances are you will encounter at least a few of these fighters at some point while fishing shallow areas.

The rivers are well into the dry fly season. Most of the larger Sea Trout and Salmon are making their way up stream to their spawning grounds even as we speak. Most migrations are nocturnal and the best time to catch these monsters is during the darker hours between 23:00 and 02:00.
The Gelså one of the more smaller streams has seen some good catches with a 6.2kg Sea Trout taken on fly on the 24th, June near to Åbol.
Large Grayling have been taken on the entire stretch of most west bound rivers, one at a staggering 51cm was taken at the junction of the rivers Norreå and Spangså. The Kongenå has cleared after the rains to reveal some incredible feeding although the day. A few spots downstream of Foldingbro seem to be void of Grayling but the Brown Trout are taking almost any dry pattern. Even Roach are being taken on fly.
Presterno Fishing offer professional sea and river guiding in Denmark. If you are after the largest Sea Trout in Europe, possibly the world or fierce fighting Grayling and Browns, then why wait? Book now on www.presterno.com or contact us at [email protected]
Exclusive fishing holiday’s are listed on our web site offering unbeatable fishing experiences and quality.
Our new holiday package starting next year is now online. The secluded Island of Brandsø is a sure winner. Daily guiding available. Enquire now as places are filing fast!
Ripley Davenport
Presterno Fishing
Fly Fishing Guide
[email protected]
Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Jun 13, 2003 12:44 pm
Location: Denmark

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