John and Angela from Manchester England recently stayed with us at Matava Eco- Adventure Resort. The reason for their stay ? To get married on holiday. The REAL reason for their stay - to fish !
Even though we are out of the normal GT Popping season, we managed to find some nice GTs. They were both very experienced fly fishers with many tarpon, bonefish and Pompano under their belts but this was their first proper go at GT popping. ... 0/JA+9.JPG
Big bruiser head on this fella
The weather was a bit ordinary and the wahoo were thinning out so we spent most of our time popping. Big waves outside the barrier reef made the best GT spots a little tricky but the seas were beautiful inside the reef.
Tricky casting conditions
GT Heaven
Anybody fancy a swim ?
Nope.... Too busy catching these...
...and these...
25kg Narrow Barred Mackerel on a Heru Cubera popper
A smaller GT showing black colouration
Even the grouper were hitting poppers
Congratulations to John and Angela !
(oh, and the wedding thing as well.....)