Costa Rica SAILFISH on FLY! Now's the Time!

Well, I'd wait just until the end of February to come down, as the direct sun has the surface temps. up a bit high, making it uncomfortable for the sails to come up.
March and onward will be super months to log those multiple release days on our big Pacific Sails. Bucktails in bl./wh., grn/yel., and pink/wh. will get you hooked up. Bring a couple of tubes of styro. popping heads. Make up some leaders with 30 lb. tippets to get the hang of things, then drop down to 20 or below afterwards to see how well you understand your drag and to test your knot-tying abilities.
Be prepared for that marlin of a lifetime too. Plenty of billfish in Panama and Costa Rica, but look for that marlin to be hungry in August/Sept. in Costa Rica. Great run of big fish off Zancudo(Golfito).Contact us at [email protected] for info.
March and onward will be super months to log those multiple release days on our big Pacific Sails. Bucktails in bl./wh., grn/yel., and pink/wh. will get you hooked up. Bring a couple of tubes of styro. popping heads. Make up some leaders with 30 lb. tippets to get the hang of things, then drop down to 20 or below afterwards to see how well you understand your drag and to test your knot-tying abilities.
Be prepared for that marlin of a lifetime too. Plenty of billfish in Panama and Costa Rica, but look for that marlin to be hungry in August/Sept. in Costa Rica. Great run of big fish off Zancudo(Golfito).Contact us at [email protected] for info.