FIshing Report August 1 2024, Ucluelet BC
Capt. Sam Vandervalk
August 12, 2024
Ucluelet - Saltwater Fishing Report

Chinook Fishing
Has been very good at Long Beach, Outside Light and Mara rock and the bight is happening all day at Long Beach and Mara. Sizes range from 10-25lbs. Depending on what you are using you will probably get more in the 10-15 range but there are combinations and areas that tend to produce larger average fish. Long Beach and Outside light are producing slightly larger fish.
Wya and Little Beach are also seeing sporadic bights and some larger Chinook are starting to come through along the shore. There are a few larger fish also showing up at Austin and Cree.
Glow Hutchies, spoons and anchovies are all working here. Some days hutchies work better than spoons and some days spoons are really good. Anchovies are generally a constant though you probably don't need them right now.
Tides are more important right now than getting out early morning it seems. There is always that faster bite the first hour or so but if you can get out the the tide you will increase your chances of success.
Coho Salmon
Are very plentiful at Big Bank and showing up in a smaller numbers at Long Beach. One of our boats went to Big Bank yesterday and got all their hatchery Coho (8) and halibut. We haven't seen too many inside Barkley sound. Make sure you throw back the ones that don't have clipped adipose fins if not in Barkley Sound.
Halibut fishing
Has been good for our guys in a few different spots. Outside South, Outside Light, the Barnyard and Long Beach have all been producing and if you want to make the run Big Bank is producing as expected. We are still getting them in closer but expect things to slow down in some spots and need to run to Big Bank soon. Since Big Bank hasn't had much fishing pressure it may be good into September again.
We have been seeing quite a few whales, sea otters and more sea lions the past couple of weeks which is always pleasant to see.
If you are wanting to go fishing let us know and we will do our best to fit you in any open spots.
Check out our fishing packages for the easiest booking to get you fishing, vacuum packing and freezing and staying in brand new cabins.
We have some availabilty this next week so give us a shout if you are wanting to get out on some good action.
We have both day trips and multi-day packages.
Here are some more pics from the past few days:
What is expected for the rest of August?
Fishing for Chinook salmon should keep getting better as August roles along. We are expecting a Chinook run size we haven't seen in a very long time during August and some of the larger fish should be coming in big numbers starting about Aug 10.
If you are wanting to come fishing with your own boat you can inquire about accommodation for 2025. We have parking for trailers. If you would like tips on what do do in the area check out and
Pics are below from the past week!
Tight lines,
Sam Vandervalk

Target Species:

Salmon, Halibut, Lingcod
More Fishing Reports: