Run-off in the Mountains, Good Snook fishing in the Everglades!
Capt. Scott Taylor
May 11, 2016
Pagosa Springs - Freshwater Fishing Report

Steve and I are still down in the Everglades. The Tarpon fishing still has not been hot, it is not even close to hot it is cold. The water temp dropped from 80 – 73 on Monday. Crazy weather. Still finding baby tarpon in there little spots. Had one day where 8 ate the fly and 2 made it to the boat. We have been targeting Redfish and Snook and going in places we have not spent much time before, going farther and farther away and learning more. And having some great success. Our crab and baitfish patterns keep evolving with materials, hooks sizes, weed guards. Taking traditional patterns and tweaking them to be quicker to tie, be less fouling of materials on the hook, easier to cast, ect.

Lows this week are going to be in the lower 70's the highs will be around 87 degrees and the wind forecast is for it to a lot lighter this week. Hopefully we will get some more shots at some big poons, if not we will keep exploring.

Back in CO, the run off is on, and everything is blown out, except for below the dam in New Mexico. Flows on the town stretch of the San Juan are at 922. And that is the low for the week! It has still been snowing. The temperatures will be in the low 60's to 75 for the high for the week. So I expect the run-off to get over a 1,00cfs for sure this week. Every time there is a cold front, run off will slow down and the fishing will improve. Don‘t forget Pop's Squirmy Worms! They also make a great crab pattern.

Below the dam on the Lower San Juan the flows are a 408 and will remain there until around May 16. On the 16th there is a 30% of the river being bumped up and a 70% for the bump to happen on May 23. Then the river will ramp up to 5,000 cfs for up to33 days. It has been a while since the river has been flushed out. This will make the fishing great for the summer. If you wade with the high flows I would suggest wearing a life jacket.
We now have with our newest Private Property a total of 4 miles of Private and 3 ponds!
The Navajo River stretch is a 3 miles of river that also has 2 large ponds. This ranch is going to start a 3 year stream improvement project this fall. We are very excited about this property.
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Scott Taylor
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Need Fly Fishing gear? See Pop's
Let it Fly
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Pagosa Outside Adventures - Rafting, Biking, Kayaking, Tubing
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Pagosa Springs Fishing Forecast:

Run-off till June, good redfish and snook. Tarpon are good one day, gone the next
Target Species:

Tarpon Redfish Snook and Trout in CO
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