Sharks & Tarpon!!
Capt. Dennis Crowley
June 29, 2024
Fort Lauderdale - Saltwater Fishing Report

Fort Lauderdale Inshore Fishing Report Late June. Summertime in Ft. Lauderdale is here and so are the big fish, small baits, hot temps, rainstorms and SHARKS!! This past week has been challenging with the weather and the sharks both popping up out of nowhere but thankfully only sticking around for a short while. Sea conditions on the other hand have been exceptionally calm, the inlet has been slicked out almost every night for the past week making spotting the rolling fish much easier. The schools of tarpon have been rolling thru on the outgoing tide spotting them out in the middle of the inlet but most feeding closer to the jetties in Port Everglades. Fishing with big live mullet always brings action but you have to be willing to sacrifice half those baits to all the lemon sharks around. A few fish were brought up this week on live pilchards, drifting em back on floats and flatline, even hooking a few on topwater at sunset. Fishing for tarpon in the summertime can be tough but if you put in the time it pays off. Most of the fish we brought up this week have all been over 60 lbs. some pushing 150!! Those big Tarpon are out there!! The bait I've been using is Mullet and Pilchard. Most of the mullet in Ft. Lauderdale right now are big, over 12 inches. The pilchards in the port are a bit small now but the bigger ones will be coming down the beach soon. Wait for the end of the outgoing tide when the schools of bait start flushing out of the inlet and and these fish turn on like a light. If you are in Fort Lauderdale and looking for an Inshore Fishing trip give me a call Captain Dennis 954-551-8914
Flat Bottom Fishing Charters
Fort Lauderdale Florida

Target Species:

Tarpon, Snook
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