Brevard County Beaches - Surf Zone
Beth Sinclair
July 21, 2008
Melbourne - Saltwater Fishing Report

We've just had Hurricane Bertha and Tropical Storm Cristobel move past
us along the eastern Atlantic shore and are experiencing the remnants of both
- mainly big waves and quiet fishing. Big waves are good for surfers, but can
be a hinderance for fishermen. Likely, however, these waves will die down as
quickly as they formed.
Generally, July means plenty of whiting, black margates and Atlantic
croakers, however catches have been slow this past week. Most blame the
tropical systems, however, hot temperatures could play a role as well.
Sandfleas are abundant along the beaches right now, and we're seeing
lots of birds diving within casting distance, so we should start seeing more
fishing activity. When fishing is slow, try a variety of baits. At times, fish can be
picky. Live sandfleas are always a favorite, however, cut squid and fresh cut
shrimp are quiet effective and can provide the added bonus of strong scent
when fish are not as likely to feed.
Today, my client caught a spotted eagle ray, something I have never seen
in this county - a beautiful fish! We released it and bid it well after it awed all
the beach-goers around us. You just never know when you will see something
truly amazing in the surf.
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