Brevard County Beaches - Surf Zone
Beth Sinclair
October 16, 2008
Melbourne - Saltwater Fishing Report

Northeasterly winds have made surf conditions unfavorable for fishermen and swimmers during the past week, with plenty of sargassum weed and other flotsum also making a strong appearance. October is usually an excellent month for surf fishing along Brevard and Indian River County beaches when winds permit.
After the winds subside, look for bluefish, jack crevalle, snook, tarpon, sharks and Spanish mackerel within a mile of beaches when baitfish are present. Often these species are within a few feet of the water line, but are generally found in water at least 2 feet deep. Live baits work especially well, however blues will often hit cut finger mullet and large spoons. Try small jigs and spoons for the mackerel or plugs for the snook and tarpon.
Those serious about shark fishing - generally for the larger blacktip, spinner and bull sharks - do best when using fast swimming fish like bluefish as bait, however large mullet are also productive. Cut baits generally attract smaller species of sharks, including nurse and bonnetheads.
Black margate, sheepshead, whiting and black drum are also a good possibility in clean water for anglers using cut shrimp, clam and live sandfleas.
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