Surf Fishing East Central Florida
Beth Sinclair
September 4, 2008
Melbourne - Saltwater Fishing Report

Tropical system after tropical system has churned our inshore and offshore waters into a muddy/sandy/frothy mess and the surf is no different. While anglers were reporting seeing pods of mullet movig along the beaches after the waters calmed a bit following the passing of Tropical Storm Fay, who by the way dumped 32 inches of water on Melbourne alone, the water is by far too nasty to expect to catch anything.
With Tropical Storm Hanna and Hurricane Ike projected in the forecast in the next few days, I can't stress enough to people, DO NOT go fishing or swimming on our beaches. Please don't risk getting into the water. A few tourists have died recently due to drowning because they did not heed the weather warnings - we have RED FLAGS FLYING. Rip currets will suck you under faster than you can imagine.
Though I hate to say it, I'd reccomend waiting a few weeks before heading back down to the beach for anything other than combing the wreckage for odd shells and seabeans and other hurricane trash.
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