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4/11 Weekly IRL report

Joel Radon
April 11, 2011
Melbourne - Saltwater Fishing Report

As we move full force into spring, the water is really starting to warm up. The fish are active, hungry, and aggressive. Trout and redfish have been very proficient in the flats lately. The only thing that is a continual battle, as of late, is the wind.

The trout bite continues to be very good. Not only are we catching trout in big numbers, but they are good size ones as well. There has been a pretty steady redfish bite in the IRL this year, but they tend to be either undersized or on the small side of the slot. The redfish may not be huge, but at the numbers we have been catching, we are going to have a bright future for the reds. Snook have moved in to the IRL, as well. They are going to move in for the spawn soon, so get ready for some action!

I have been throwing alot of different baits recently, but the DOA CALs continue to bring in the fish. The new penny color has been working the best. Another trick that I have been doing is rigging the CALs upside down. You still get the swim action, but you get a wobble too. I seem to get almost double the amount of strikes when I toss them out upside down. 

"Indian River" Joel

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Wade Fishing Florida offers an exciting, new type of guide service. You get to experience Florida and the Indian River Lagoon to its fullest extent. You'll catch bigger fish and make less of an impact on the environment while wading. You will be able to fish spots that Flats boats can only dream of accessing. Not only is wading the most effective type of fishing, but it is also the most affordable. Check out all of our informative pages so you can see why Wade Fishing Florida is right for you!

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Wade Fishing Florida
7101 Harmony Square Dr
Melbourne, FL
Phone: 321-402-9881
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