Palm Beach and Jupiter inshore report
Capt. Craig Korczynski
September 21, 2024
Palm Beach - Saltwater Fishing Report

Mid September, the mullet run has begun in our local Jupiter and Palm Beach inshore Waters. North winds have finally arrived. Creating cooler conditions in the morning and driving mullet school to migrate south. Let the fun begin.
Tarpon junkies! Yes, we are. That's always our main target, the silver kings have been very active whether you're targeting beaches, deep passes, docks and shorelines, these fish are active and ready to eat. Live mullet freelined with tide or Rapala skitter walks and Doa terror eyz will get the drag screaming.
Snook! They are on the move beaches, deep passes, and the intercoastal waterways are thriving with snook. The mullet run migration has triggered an explosive feeding at times, lowlight hours typically are the best times when fish are active. Moving water is the key though, throughout the day, incoming and outgoing tide trigger bait schools to migrate as snook ambush these pods creating feeding frenzies. Live Mullet, freelined, Rapala skitter walks, Doa bait busters and Doa 4" jerk baits, all great baitsto get the strike.
With the mullet migration happening, there are so many species that are taking advantage of this migratory pattern. Jacks, sharks, bluefish, ladyfish, snapper, grouper, and so many other species are all gorging themselves on their next meal. It's definitely a spectacular event lasting for such a short time, but for those that get to experience it, it's definitely a great time and creates memories.
Well, that is the fishing report for the past week, hope you all enjoyed. Remember, you can't catch them from the couch, so get out there and get hooked up. Tight lines! visit us on Facebook, instagram

Target Species:

Snook, tarpon, jacks, sharks, snapper
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