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Virginia to Maine

Moderator: admin


Postby bfast » Thu Aug 19, 2004 8:14 am


Bluefish are in the outer-harbor and sound chasing 1½ to 2 inch baitfish. Bass and smaller blues are in the inner-harbor bays and flats feeding on silverside and juvenile herring. Offshore school bluefins can be found in Mass Bay on the western edge of Stellwagen Bank. Giant bluefin are finally starting to show on the Bank and the eastern edge. In the deepwater to the east of the bank, haddock and cod fishing is still very strong.

Mid-week produced some if the best bass fishing in the harbor although the weather left a lot to be desired. Louis Raker from Waterloo, Iowa had two great days in the inner-harbor on Wednesday and Thursday. Louis is a world traveling sportsman and a devout fly fisher, who swears by the Orvis Elog program. His first day in Boston, on the first drift at first light, Lou tied into a 33 inch bass on the long rod, which made the day. The striper took heavily-dressed 4/0 chartreuse Half & Half presented on fast-sinking DepthCharge line. A number of schoolie bass and a few small blues added to the larder.

Day 2 brought pouring rain with the passage of the low and remnants of the seasons first hurricane. That didn’t deter Louis or his friend from Marshfield, Tom Pearson. Everyone else cancelled, and we had the harbor to our self. As luck would have it, the tough weather conditions brought great fishing. Lou’s first two bass on the 9-weight T-3, were keepers—29 and 32 inches, respectively. Later in the tide, Tom got into the action using the light-spinning gear with smokin’ shad rubber baits. We found silversides stacked-up to eight feet off bottom with bass and blues pushing them occasionally to the surface on the last hour of the ebbing tide. Louis switched to a sparsely-dressed chartreuse half & half with a wire bite-protector to match-the-hatch and deal with the bluefish. By the time the tide ran out the foray ended, the anglers caught and released a mix of 25 bass and blues including the two keeper bass at first light. An evening at Barker’s Tavern in Scituate for their signature, broiled swordfish was a fitting end for the group’s two-day trip to Boston’s World-class light tackle fishery.


Juvenile baitfishes are showing up in increasing numbers in the inner-harbor bays and estuaries. Young herring and tinker-mackerel have been producing the best feeding blitzes on the early morning tides. Blues are still in evidence in the outer-harbor and offshore west of the Bank.

The best surface action was to be had mid-week on the first few hours of the flood off the inner-harbor flats. Heavily dress chartreuse Half & Halfs, size 3/0 , matched the juvenile herring driven to the surface by feeding bass and blues on Thursday. Grandfather Roger Hoover from Tyrone, PA, son Jake and grandson Linus had great sport with these game fish. Young Linus, age 5, landed his first striper ever on light-spinning gear, fishing Zoom, smokin’Shad rubber baits on ½ oz. Jig-heads. Dad, Jake, not to be out done, landed his first keeper on spinning gear. Meanwhile, Roger managed to make a long-line release on what would have been his personal-best striper on the long rod—A family affair—Boston Style—and the Sox Won!

Roger Thout and daughter Angela from Rutland, MA, dodged the tropical storm effects on Saturday morning. Fishing in the inner-harbor proved to be very slow. A move to the north on the outside off Winthrop brought the best results on the incoming tide. As usual, the lady angler had the most luck and best action. Angela raised five big bass to the surface using 7 inch, salt & pepper Bassin’ assassins, missing two really good strikes. Dad , Roger, managed to bring only one fish up. On Angela’s sixth shot, she made a great hook-set on a keeper bass that took her once around the Hydra-Sport. Another big bass followed her 35-inch, trophy to the surface, almost to the net!

Capt. Mike Bartlett
B-Fast Charters
Capt. Mike Bartlett
B-Fast Charters
Cabin Boy
Cabin Boy
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Joined: Mon Jun 21, 2004 7:36 am
Location: Green harbor,MA & Boston Harbor

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