Having Problems Registering?
Our forum receives a lot registrations from spammers. Therefore, all new registrations are manually approved, but many of them are deleted immediately because they are deemed illegitimate. If you are a legitimate user and are having problems registering, it’s possible we have mistakenly flagged your registration as coming from a spammer. Increase you’re the odds of being approved by supplying the “optional” fields of “First Name” and “Last Name” (other users will not see this information – only forum administrators).
If your registration was never approved or deleted, please send us a note using our contact form. Let us know you are having problems registering and include your desired username and email address. Then, go Re-Register and we will look for your registration and approve it.
Any Other Problems?
If you are having any problems with the Forum, please send us a note using our contact form, or call us toll free at 1-866-948-4835.
Last Word: Post Something or Be Deleted!
If you are registering to use our Forum, we assume you have something to say. Go ahead and say it... Make a post... Newly registered users who do not post anything, may be deleted. If you're deleted for not posting, simply re-register when you're ready to post something. Sorry, but again, you can thank the spammers...