Johnny III, Johnny IV, Ryan Marten, and Chris Sparicino joined me for a trout extravaganza!! Chris is in town on leave from the Marine Corp and Johnny wanted to put the guys on a good trip. Our first stop found a slower bite and some small fish. We made a move and found what we were looking for!!! Fish on, as the action was fast and furious. We had fish coming in every cast all around the boat. With 90 trout in the K2, it was like a switch turned off and the bite shut down. We made several more stops catching 3-8 fish per stop. Green Hornet and Tiger Matrix did the majority of the damage today tight lined slowly. HLT Swimmer Jrs in Blue Tiger had the trout eating them up also. The durability in the HLT Swimmers can't be beat by others. Good times with great people, thanks again guys.
Fishing doesn't get any better than it is now!!
Capt. Marty LaCoste