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California Fishing Reports

8:59 AM

Fish'N Conditions September 16th 2012 - Dry fly fishing for wild trout on the San Joaquin has been great, nymphing the Upper Owens, guided drift boating the Lower Owens and tubing Crowley Lake also very productive for fly fishers here in the Sierra. Fish'N Conditions September 16th 201 more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

8:42 AM

Fish'N Conditions August 29th 2012 - Fish'N Conditions August 29th 2012 The Upper Owens is fishing great right now and we are seeing some trophy brown trout here. Upper Owens River Conditions are good on the Upper Owens with some trophy browns already migrating upstream from C more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

9:54 AM

Sacramento river ready to Explode - The Sac is loaded with Chinook salmon that are chrome bright and eager to gobble up roe. The average fish is running a solid 15 pounds with 25 to 30 pounds landed in my boat just about everyday. This river is going to explode any day now, so time to more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River

12:08 PM

Salmon Fishing - The salmon fishing on the Sacramento river is very good for this time of the season. My boat is averaging limits or close to limits every trip. There are still a lot of salmon in the ocean waiting to enter the river, so now is the time to plan your t more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River

8:08 AM

August 1st Fish'N Conditions - Crowley Lake Many fly fishers prefer moving water and the sight of a trout rising to engulf a winged adult. Some may not prefer fishing with nymphs below an Under-cator, however-You really need to fly fish here this summer! Period. It is very, ve more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

1:22 PM

Salmon Opener on the Sacramento - The in river salmon season opened on July 16th with good numbers of salmon taken where I was fishing. Rip Their Lips Off guide service scored with nice limits up to 18lbs and followed that up with good fishing on the 17th with a solid 1 1/2 fish per more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River

10:47 PM

Fish'n Conditions July 11, 2012 - Fish'N Conditions July 11th 2012 Howdy friends. The heat is on! The Eastern Sierra has been cooking with near record temperatures and very dry conditions most of July. Zero T-storm activity, although an increasing chance of afternoon thundersto more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

9:24 AM

July 4th Fish'n Conditions - Howdy friends. Hope you are all having a great start to summer and get a chance to come and visit us soon. Excellent fly fishing conditions can be found in most areas due to the mild run-off and seasonal weather. The alpine lakes and freestone cre more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

9:17 AM

June 16th Fish'N Conditions - June 16th Fish'N Conditions – Sierra Drifters Guide Service Crowley Lake The algae cometh. Conditions have taken a turn for the worse on Crowley as the seasonal spring turnover has begun. Locating areas that hold fish and have clean water is diff more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

9:41 AM

Fish'N Conditions May 27th 2012 - Fish'N Conditions May 27th 2012 Howdy friends and Sierra Drifters. The opening month of the 2012 season is turning out to be as expected-great! The catching has been good in many areas with the only negative being a seemingly endless string of more...
Capt. Tom Loe - Eastern Sierras

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Specific California Fishing Report Locations:

American River (3)

Clear Lake (3)

Eastern Sierras (234)

Klamath River (10)

Sacramento River (12)


More Fishing Reports:

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