2015-06-04 12:14 PM
Shad are everywhere! - If you like shad fishing they are in every river from the Sacramento to all of the tributaries. Light gear and all the usual jigs are working. more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2013-08-15 1:59 PM
Sacramento River Salmon - The King Salmon fishing on the Sacramento is really shifting into gear with the average fish weighting a healthy 16+ pounds. The water is a great color and I am averaging over a fish per rod and improving. This fishery should be off the hook in a few more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2013-05-30 2:39 PM
Shad and Salmon - Shad fishing on the Sacramento river is rated good with the most fish hooked in the afternoon/evening. The American river should be picking up tomorrow as the water is suppose to be raised which will allow the fish to move freer throughout the system more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2012-08-16 9:54 AM
Sacramento river ready to Explode - The Sac is loaded with Chinook salmon that are chrome bright and eager to gobble up roe. The average fish is running a solid 15 pounds with 25 to 30 pounds landed in my boat just about everyday. This river is going to explode any day now, so time to more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2012-08-02 12:08 PM
Salmon Fishing - The salmon fishing on the Sacramento river is very good for this time of the season. My boat is averaging limits or close to limits every trip. There are still a lot of salmon in the ocean waiting to enter the river, so now is the time to plan your t more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2012-07-19 1:22 PM
Salmon Opener on the Sacramento - The in river salmon season opened on July 16th with good numbers of salmon taken where I was fishing. Rip Their Lips Off guide service scored with nice limits up to 18lbs and followed that up with good fishing on the 17th with a solid 1 1/2 fish per more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2012-05-31 9:47 AM
A Billion Shad! - Shad fishing right now is completely off the hook. The American, Feather and Sacramento rivers are full of Shad and it is not uncommon for us to hook 40-50 a nite(6-9pm). These chrome bullets are a blast to have on the ultra light rods and 4 to 6lb t more...
Capt. David Mierkey - American River |

2011-09-01 11:08 AM
Sacramento Salmon Fishing - The Sacramento is turning out limits to anyone who steps foot on my boat right now. These salmon are chrome bright and full of fight. They are just gobbling roe and we can't miss. Get on board and don't miss out. more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2011-08-18 2:10 PM
Sacramento Salmon Fishing - Quick up date. Fished yesterday with two friends of RTLO and we hooked 7 salmon and landed
5 for two nice limits of 9 to 22lbs. The water is a great temperature right now and the run is
building nicely. Best day yet on the Sacramento, hell best day more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Sacramento River |

2010-08-25 11:39 AM
Klamath is picking up - The fishing for salmon has been picking up with fresh fish running from several jacks to great looking fish in the mid teens being caught everyday along with summer run steelhead ranging between half pounder's to beautiful 8lb fish. The fish are most more...
Capt. David Mierkey - Klamath River |