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Fishing Reports by Capt. Luis Lagrandier

8:47 PM

Hot tuna action - Yellowfin tuna are around in big numbers. 40+ pounders cruise along the drop off just a few miles off the coast. Blue Marlins are showing up during an early season bite. Seas have been choppy with windy/sporty conditions. FADs are being deployed ar more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

7:43 PM

Early season mahi - Early season mahis in good numbers are the order around the Puerto Rico FAD SYSTEM. Good numbers of mahis has been reported around the FADs which offer a great opportunity to catch fish in a short period of time. Marlin season started strong with more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

12:13 PM

Great billfish and Mahi action off Dorado - This last week was a very active one with a lot of billfish action as well as Mahi and wahoo. We had five billfish (blues and sails) in three half days (4 hours). We also caught good size mahi and wahoo this week with fish in the 20 to 30 pound rang more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

9:50 AM

Marlin season is on fire!! - The peak of the billfish season is here!! During the past full moon the blue marlin bite was hot off Puerto Rico's north coast. We went 3-2 on blue marlin, releasing a medium size blue on Saturday and a dounless header on Sunday, which we managed t more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - San Juan

8:59 PM

GREAT reef action - Reef fishing is on fire!! Snappers, groupers, jacks and bar jacks are the order. Morning trips with flat seas are the rule every day getting windy in the afternoos. Deep sea fishing is a little slow as the marlin season in comming in getting hot more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

1:51 PM

Great wahoo and mahi action - Fishing off Dorado has been great. Wahoos are everywhere as well as mahis close to the FADs. Sporty ocean conditions and heavy winds made a really big chop but the bite was and still GREAT!! more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

8:26 AM

Great mahi and wahoo bite - Fishing around the FADs around Dorado has been very productive. We've been catching mahis and wahoos on a daily basis around close to the FADs and on weed lines close to the shore. We've also had sailfish and blue marlin releases while fishing around more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

12:04 PM

GREAT billfish and mahi action in Dorado, Puerto Rico - The bite is on!!! Blue and white marlin, sailfish and lots of mahis are the order off Dorado. We've been fishing the FADs having great success on mahi, wahoo and billfish. Two weeks ago, manage to release a big 400+ pounds blue marlin on 30# tack more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

3:53 PM

Great fishing on the FADs - The FAds are working!! We have been catching mahis on a daily basis off the coast of Dorado even though not in mahi season. Fishing with fresh ballyhoo around this bouys have prove to be the perfect combination for big mahi. Marlins are also around more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

7:27 AM

HOT Blue Marlin season - Blue marlin season just started!!! Fishing a week before, during and a week after full moon has been very productive. Fished the last two moons releasing 3 out of five billfish raised on our spread, with a 300+ blue on 30 pound stand up tackle. Thi more...
Capt. Luis Lagrandier - Dorado Beach

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